Marketing & Promotions
Promotion is a marketing tool, used as a strategy to communicate between the sellers and buyers. Through this, the seller tries to influence and convince the buyers to buy their products or services. It assists in spreading the word about the product or services or company to the people. The company uses this process to improve its public image. This technique of marketing creates an interest in the mindset of the customers and can also retain them as a loyal customer.

Direct Promotion
It is that kind of advertising where the company directly communicates with its customers. This communication is usually done through various new approaches like email marketing, text messaging, websites, fliers, online adverts, promotional letters, catalog distributors, etc.
Sales Promotion
With 330 million monthly users, Twitter doesn’t offer the same reach as Facebook. It does, however, provide your business access to a group of users that engage with brands daily. Depending on your target audience, that’s an advantage.
It is a process where the enterprises send their agents directly to the customers to pitch for their product or service. Here, the response for the feedback of the customer is prompt and therefore, easy to build trust.